Sunday, November 22, 2020


I got my notice today that my results were in, and it's good to see that COVID-19 test came back negative. The wife (who hasn't been notified yet) and I have been careful, masking and keeping distance, holing up in the house and avoiding traveling and unnecessary contact with other people. We have a few friends who also keep a tight leash on their activities, and it's good to have them to share and meet with, helping to keep us all sane. Yesterday Dale and I planted 10 trees at four different houses, trees I got from the Arbor Day Foundation. Here's our list: At our house, a white pine and a white flowering dogwood. At Dale's house, a pin oak and river birch. At Angela's house, a silver maple, a redbud, and a sugar maple. At my rental house, a red oak and a red maple. In 20 years, we'll be rocking some cool trees!

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