Monday, February 19, 2007

The Ballet Marathon?

The little town of Viborg, SD, is the site of the Swan Lake Christian Camp, hosts of the Swan Lake Marathon, going into its third year. While races like the Twin Cities Marathon cap their entries at 8,500 people and New York City's is about five times that, this little marathon had 19 finishers in 2005 and surged to 25 finishers in 2006. It's a shy person's marathon, perhaps. Last year also featured a half-marathon and a 5.3 miler. If July 1st is on your race calendar, and you're looking for a friendly encounter, you could do worse. The Sunday noon meal is free for racers and families, and for five bucks, they'll throw in a spaghetti dinner Saturday night. 2006 race photos are here.

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