Saturday, August 11, 2007

Mama Makes Her Move

The last two days were spent in Ft. Pierre, where my mom is making her own move, out of a house she's been in for more than a decade. She's been going through stacks of old papers, sorting the coupons from the keepsakes, the crap from the quaint. Mom's heading down to Georgia where Sister1 lives, for part of the winter to assess and make plans about her next home.
The wife and my youngest brother and his other were there, along will nephew Dillon, all ready to help out. We got most everything into storage, out in the trash, or off to charity. The women did good work in the kitchen and bathroom, getting things put away and clean, not just tidy, the definitions of which made for some discussion.
A good dinner at La Minestra and treats at The Zesto helped put the days in perspective. Dillon pointed out at The Zesto that while I was eating mud (a mocha mud pie malt), he was eating dirt (a dirt pile?). Both were mighty tasty.
Best wishes go out to Mom today as she sorts through the last of the paper pile and this stage of her life in Ft. Pierre.

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