Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ready to Serve

I've made a lot of jokes about being in the Armed Services when I was a young man, but I joined ready to serve my country however the Army saw fit. I took the oath on October 19, 1974, when I was still a senior in high school, then graduated and went active duty on July 2, 1975, which made me just outside the Vietnam Veterans era. They sent me to Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri for basic training, then to Fort Knox, Kentucky, for advanced individual training (AIT) in track vehicle mechanics. Then I found myself in Friedberg, (West) Germany, where I went to work for the 122 Maintenance Battalion of the 3rd Armored Division. There I stayed until July 1, 1977, when I walked off the base in Friedberg and went on with the next part of my life.

The service was good to me, though. I wouldn't be where I am without the GI Bill that helped put me through much of my schooling.

Thanks to those who serve or served, no matter how bad they looked in their military issue.


Christina said...

That's a great pic! J and I were actually talking about your service yesterday, and were happy we could see you on Veteran's Day. Wouldn't you know, we didn't mention anything to you though, once you were here! I realize it's a day late, but know the sentiment is just as strong- "Thank you!"
An idea for a fun blog tradition: Every Veteran's Day, you could post a story about your time in the service. You had such interesting experiences!

John Nelson said...

Thank you! I'm reminded that my kids, when I asked if they wanted me to read a story or tell one, they said tell one, and if they wanted one about me being good or me being bad, they wanted the bad. So my inclination still is to tell stories about me--bad boy. I suspect most of my service stories are just that.

This pic was taken when they ran us to the photo place in just our t-shirts and caps, general fatigues, and plopped us down in a chair, snapped a uniform segment on us, enough to show in the pic (it snapped at the neck in the back), and plop a hat on us. On the back of the one I'm wearing is the size--7 and 3 eights, in chalk.

Pretty slick, huh?