Friday, December 12, 2008

Finishing Hard

My high school cross-country coach admonished us to "finish hard." It was his idea that coming in to the end of something often resulted in people coasting to the goal, rather than putting forward their best efforts. I use that admonition with my own students today, encouraging them to put their best efforts into their last work, the point at which they should be showing what skills they've developed over the course of the semester. Here's a photo of me, finishing fifth in the Three Rivers Conference cross-country meet in 1973. Finishing hard, or trying to.


Erik said...

Are you a Buffalo in this picture? If I remember correctly, you told my Fall 2000 Composition class that you are from Ft. Pierre (Stanely County).

John Nelson said...

Yep. Buffalo to the core. That's Stanley County across my shirt front, a winged shoe on my breast. Our course was up on the ridge west of Ft. Pierre as you top the hill on the north. The path led right through some cactus patches--a real home course advantage for those of us who knew to watch out.