Tuesday, February 28, 2006
This Little Blog of Mine
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Lovely Day, February Style in South Dakota
Skateboarders were out in force, using the skate parks and streets. People were out to get groceries, as we were, and I saw many people I knew outside the store as I used Walter to meet people and make friends.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Beadle Fans!
Friday, February 24, 2006
USPS Working for You
They call it NetPost, and not only newsletters, but postcards, gift cards, booklets, and flyers are available. Even certified letters. You upload the document and mailing list, choose the paper and form of publication, and they'll send them out, bulk rate if you have enough. If you have struggled with bulk mailings, you know how nice it would be to shed that problem.
Thanks for the tip, Pastor Watt!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Online Games Galore
Others mentioned are at games.aol.com, where word games are offered, and zone.msn.com, where you can play the newest tetris-like games. Yahoo offers games and chat at games.yahoo.com, and www.realarcade.com offers more as well. One Yahoo game, Diner Dash, gives you a chance to show your stuff as a waitress. It's a mouse-clicking madhouse that helped me see why my short stint as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant was all I wanted.
Now you can also play many of them on your cell phone. I guess I'd rather see someone staring at their cell phone mashing buttons than I would listen to them argue with a spouse about whether to buy a pound of pork or a half pound.
These games are featured in a New York Times article, "Just for Fun, Casual Games Thrive Online."
More Writing, Chautauqua
I just finished another article for our little paper, a piece on the Great Plains Chautauqua coming to town on July 13 to stay for a week. So far so good. We've managed significant success so far in raising the $3500 cash that we need to pay the SD Humanities Council.
I would really rather be reading my book, Teacher Man, by Frank McCourt, who also wrote Angela's Ashes and 'Tis.
Then again, I would also like to be talking to one of my kids on the phone or going bowling with them or even to the Mall of America. Or talking to my wife, or going off to bed since it's late and I have class tomorrow and papers to grade.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Sports Writer for a Night
Even though I mostly ate popcorn, cheered, cried foul, and whistled, I took the notes you see here, snagged the stats after the game, hustled home, banged out the two-fisted article, and sent it off to the editors well before the midnight deadline. I hope they print it.
I can put away my press card now. The leftover Valentine's Day candy, hard as it was, helped get me through those rough writing spots.
Our team won, by the way, defeating the Valley City College Vikings 69-62. On we go to the next round.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Trip Downtown
Haircut day today, so it's a trip to see Tim. For seven dollars he gives me a trim and tells me what's going on in his life, including his son and their race car, his grandchildren and their friends.
In the back the boys play video games. He's got this great old barber chair for kids with a horsehead.
He said I could take pictures of it and the old cash register (no electricity!) and a clock with its own sense of how the moments should pass. Check my flickr account for more pics.
Then we stopped at the local coffee shop, talked prom dresses and volleyball with the girls there, and popped into the thrift store next door where they have a lot of clothes.
Green Giant, White Buffalo Welcome
Not to be outdone, we thought a photo of the white buffalo that welcomes travelers to Madison would be fitting.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Big Day in the Big City
The photo is a typical scene from the trip from Madison to Minneapolis, a four and a half hour drive. If the picture looks cold, it was, and last night it got to 20 below. Enough to frost your nostrils!
The primary cause of the trip was my wife's part in a presentation from a DSU delegation, showing what good things people are doing with computers in our English classrooms.
We don't get to see trains often in Madison, so it was fun to see and hear the big boy in the second photo here.
I have a flickr site! More pictures to follow!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Dental Work and a Trip to Marine World
Is this what people get for their cable bills? The Beverly Hillbillies? Today Uncle Jed, Ellie May, Jethro, and Granny were going to MarineWorld, where they figured they could catch some fish. Granny wanted fish for supper, and once they got permission from a Marine, it was whale for supper or Granny's pitching a fit.
On the other hand, as the process continued, I did get a view of London on the travel channel. I was hoping it would be Paris. I've got a new tooth now I could take there.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Chinese Tiger Puppy
But neither does this puppy. Wife swears it was not painted or dyed, but that the little guy's coloring was natural. She seems trustworthy.
Any guesses? I don't know anything about it.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Lucky Me
Others include the Ford "Focus in Film" series (available now only on Atom Films), the Skyy Vodka film series (go to the Skyy Cinema link), and the Chrysler film contest entries. The Converse Gallery is also inventive in the array of very short films that people have sent in.
But one of the most ambitious is the site called Meet the Lucky Ones. It's strange and intriguing, more than simply a film, rather an interactive storytelling site.
Sure, there are lots of odd clips on the web that show people doing strange and unusual things, caught off-guard and vulnerable, but I like these films that are deliberately constructed. Their makers know they have to be good to keep their viewers, who know the whole thing is meant to get them more inclined to buy the product.
Any other good ones?
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Social Webbing
I'm not interested so much in the two sites above, but others seem more promising. I like the idea of Library Thing. Sharing pictures is also a key attraction, and everyone is getting on that bandwagon. I was a big fan of eCircles while it lasted; it must have been before its time. My family kept it busy. R.I.P.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Rita!
Need a Word Meter?
226 / 1,000 (22.6%) |
It's The Zokutou Word Meter. It might be fun for students working on essays, writers working on bigger projects, or anyone who likes to see progress in graphical form.
(It looks fine in the preview and not here--Firefox or IE. Anybody have a comment as to why?)
Cool Coat
We got the coat cheaply at an auction near Winfred, SD, where we also got a very cool hand-made crazy quilt. Those were her buys.
Mine were a wood-fired furnace that takes up space in her dad's shed, three lawn mowers, and a deck table with umbrella for her mom. One lawn mower, a self-propelled John Deere, was worth the five bucks that I gave for all three of them. So there.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Mountain Sunset in Madison
This past year the crops were good, and even now in February the overflow remains, mounds of corn across the quiet street from the tallest building in town, the grain elevator.
You can see the streetlights just coming on, about 6:00, the promise now of days getting longer.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Family Portrait
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Mrs. Tittle
I love it, even though she's not the sort of woman whose company I might enjoy.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Poetry--Its Old Face and its New
The other is Born Magazine, "an experimental venue marrying literary arts and interactive media." Check them out.
Okay, so last night my wife and some of her friends got their fingernails done by someone who takes fingernails very seriously. Fine. They look great. My wife didn't like the idea of having squared off nails (too radical) or plain ovals (too boring), so she went for the in-between: "squovals!" Don't they look great?
There's really only one downside. These babies cost enough and were enough trouble, that it seems to render hands incapable of actions they once found routine, and necessary. So until scuba gear arrives, elegant fingers like these are too much for warm soapy water.
Monday, February 06, 2006
All the Way Back from Poetry
Today the first of many rejection letters came in after a flurry of sending materials out at the end of 2005. Here are your poems back, it says. It’s a hopeful thing to have material in the mail, though, hope like a paper airplane flying, like a seed in the ground. The planes come down. More positive is the thought that many seeds sprout. They don’t grow if you don’t plant them (something your mom tells you, but it's true). You put some writing in an envelope and you send it off to meet its fate rather than hiding it in a folder on your desktop.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Job and Squirrels
Later I was driving home and kept seeing squirrels running around out in the cold. Coming down a gravel road one must have found himself on the wrong side of the car, so he scurried down the gravel road, probably a quarter mile, until he could scamper into a tree. I stayed back in the car, keeping my distance. Later yet I saw more squirrels out by Lake Madison, and even more later, one of which came up next to the car as I was pulling into the driveway. It stopped, eyed the ticking car, and calmly ate some snow from a dirty snowbank before it hopped away.
What were the squirrels doing out today? I don't know. The brain may be wider than the sky, but today there were things afoot, at least for squirrels, that I didn't know. It may not be comforting that there is more order to the world than I can comprehend, but then it is. I don't have to understand everything. The squirrels have a part to play; something had them on the move today.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
The Horseshoe Seven Brand
This is the horseshoe seven brand that my grandfather Sidney Clifford Nelson owned. He was from Hyattville, Wyoming, where my dad was born. It's a town near Ten Sleep up in the Bighorn Mountains. The brand is meant to represent two kinds of luck, the lucky seven and the hanging horseshoe. It was meant for livestock. We used to have, when I was a kid, a custom made wool rug that had this horseshoe seven brand in it. It was black with a white rectangle around the brand, and the brand itself was white. Somehow over the years the stitching came loose and the brand pieces separated from the background pieces, and for years that bunch of rug pieces was in our basement, but then it disappeared, along with the old horsehide blanket that we used to lay under as kids.
Friday, February 03, 2006
The Second Round
Some info about the movie is at this link: http://www.sfindie.com/indiefest06/film/?film=Mini_Movies
A complete listing of the festival and films is at:
The director says that it’s made it into three film festivals so far: The Del Ray Beach film festival (Del Ray Beach, FL.) March 8-12, Tiburon International Film Festival (Tiburon, CA March 9-20), and last but not least the San Francisco Independent Film Festival (SF, CA Feb. 2-12). It is showing Feb. 4th 4:30pm at the Roxie Theatre and Feb. 12th 7:00pm at the Women's Building ( Just around the corner from the Roxie). For more information on where the theatres are and to purchase tickets you can go to www.sfindie.com. If you are local and plan to go, try and get tickets in advance. It is listed under MINI MOVIES "Second Round".
Way to go, Joe!Great Plains Chautauqua
Madison is one of several sites in the midwest where there was a permanent Chautauqua site. Linda Venekamp, at DSU, built a site about it here, and the Smith-Zimmerman Museum in Madison has a site devoted to it here. I'm excited to be bringing it back to Madison, if only for a week.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Letter to an agent
What's the book? It's a memoir, with my brother and me as the star attractions, the main event. Mainly it seems to show how unsupervised we were, able to roam free and play at will. I don't remember being called for supper; we knew when to be there, and if we weren't, we risked the loss of our share of the grub. There were ten kids in our family, all of us with healthy appetites. When food was served, you moved fast.
I have read some bits and pieces of this to some groups of people in the area, and I've had positive responses, so I'm hoping the agent, who was the agent for Haven Kimmel's beautiful and funny memoir Zippy, will be reponsive to my offer. We'll see.
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- This Little Blog of Mine
- Women With Pillows
- Lovely Day, February Style in South Dakota
- Beadle Fans!
- USPS Working for You
- Online Games Galore
- More Writing, Chautauqua
- Sports Writer for a Night
- Trip Downtown
- Green Giant, White Buffalo Welcome
- Big Day in the Big City
- Dental Work and a Trip to Marine World
- Chinese Tiger Puppy
- Lucky Me
- Social Webbing
- Happy Birthday Rita!
- Need a Word Meter?
- Cool Coat
- Mountain Sunset in Madison
- Family Portrait
- Mrs. Tittle
- Poetry--Its Old Face and its New
- Squovals
- All the Way Back from Poetry
- Job and Squirrels
- The Horseshoe Seven Brand
- The Second Round
- Great Plains Chautauqua
- Letter to an agent