I'm struck by some of the pictures that have been uploaded to the Picasa web album the ad links to; it's available here: https://picasaweb.google.com/109076386369885516606/SD?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCKHp5Y7v0afy5gE&feat=directlink
Check out this pic, for example:
Explain to me how this photo makes you want to buy the buildings, despite those nice rafters.
The Picasa album is identified as being owned by Scott Mahar, who is not listed in the Madison directory. I found a Scott Mahar in Fargo who's in engineering. There must be a new factory of some sort coming in here. Maybe the one from Arlington? I thought that one was going in at the industrial park.
Tell me, though, don't some of these pics look like they would be great for a horror movie? My friend JH says working there was a horror in itself. I can see it. Ever been in a chicken coop? Imagine that times 10,000. Or more. Nasty.
Hm... selling the buildings doesn't mean a new factory is coming in, does it? Is he selling just the buildings and not the land?
Selling the buildings, planning a new facility of some kind.
This affirms my decision to not eat chickens :0
These buildings are all gone now, including one that I was thinking would make a welcome addition to our back yard. Too bad. They're replaced with nice new shining silver bins for drying. A run by there yesterday revealed some guys out working on the new place, getting it ready for a new crop this fall.
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