Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Searchme? Search Me!

TQ sends word of a new browser on the market.  His take:  "Visual!"  "Intuitive!" 
"It narrows results by web page, blogs!" 

Pretty groovy, I must admit.  I like the flippy-flippy page arrangement and the magnifying glass, allowing reading without having to actually open the page in a tab or window.  Check it out:  


Holli said...

That interface looks like it was inspired by Leopard.

John Nelson said...

Yes, I think it does. There's a image search engine that works similarly, making it look like you're looking at a gallery of images. I don't remember the name, but maybe the wife does. She tried it and was impressed until it kept crashing.

Deana said...

It is called CoolIris, and I just downloaded a new and improved version the other day. I haven't had a chance to use it yet though.