Monday, September 04, 2006

Ramona Reunion and the Do-Nothing Machine

Rensch and Wolf family members gathered in Ramona yesterday for a family reunion, all the product of my whirlwind aunt's efforts to bring people together in her home town. The wife and I appeared briefly, but it looked like everyone was having a good time. It's one of those days where I only exist as Rosemary's son. A few of my uncles and aunts were there along with mom, Sister1, and a few people I knew otherwise. Family information is forthcoming. I'm looking forward to some digital stories and pictures.
One odd item was Earl Rensch's "Do-Nothing Machine," which he bought many years ago, an item featured on the Gary Owen show, he says. A video is here. It's a complicated contraption with a zillion moving parts, clicking and whirring and spinning a marble in a circular tray. It smelled a lot like sewing machine oil, but it was fun to watch.
We also had a good evening with friends and their new babe.

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