Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I Take My Camera Running

Okay, so they aren't great pictures. But I can stuff the camera in my shorts and nobody notices. Today the heat wave broke and it rained and everyone backed away from the knife drawers and gun cabinets and sighed in relief, happy with the long rain, the cool evening, and the crickets. And running in the rain is a treat after so much heat. I took my new little camera on my run with me this morning and snapped a few shots. In some ways the photos have a strange kind of war-zone quality, as though I were smuggling them through the mullahs in the cavity of a camel tooth, hoping the west would soon learn of the tragedy of truck wheels in the creek bed, a newly discarded TV face down in the pool of water.
How, I wonder, does someone decide, "I have this TV. I think I will throw it into the bed of the creek!" Maybe they've seen other TV's in other creeks and appreciated the concept. Maybe they'd seen other household appliances and considered, "What this creek could really use now is a TV!" So they load up their TV in the trunk of their car, bring is specially to this creek, and heave it over the fence into the water.
Maybe they've watched Letterman's crew throwing appliances off the roof of a tall building, so they hit the back alley with a satisfying smash, glass and fragments of plastic flying. So they drag this old TV out to the creek, hoist it over their heads thinking of that satisfying whollop, and then heave it over the barbed wire, only to have it plop into the muck. Maybe that's satisfying enough.
More satisfying, I suspect, than watching the corn turn brown, way too early, with the recent rain too late to save it.

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