These companies aren't all so backwards they don't have websites, though. Classic Caramel Company, Atkinson Candy, and Annabelle have an online presence. Otherwise, you can go to Old Time Candies or other and find them (including Clove, Teaberry, and Beeman's gum). Annabelle is in Hayward, CA, where my brother lives, so maybe he knows someone who knows someone . . .

Big hunk, eh?
Could a spousal compliment be hidden in that particular candy?
I've always liked Abba Zabba bars. They look awful, but taste very good. But then the Big Hunk won't win any beauty contests either . . .
These are ALL about sugar! There's not much else in them, just like today. One thing there isn't is fluff. No "cookie" or "wafer" to bulk up the candy, just a slab of flavored sugar, dude. Maybe with a paper stick in it.
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